Monday, January 31, 2011

A delayed departure

Well we're finally off.  Sitting at Sydney Airport tonight with exhausted kids and a flight departure delayed by an hour:)  All in good spirits though and looking forward the pending journey.  We've been trying to convince Sam that he needs to go to the toilet before we get on the plane, but he is insisting that he will go to the toilet in Cyprus!  We could be in for a long flight..........   The last week has been very rich for us, with great times with friends and family.  Occasionally we have to pinch ourselves to be reminded of what we are undertaking.  The timing and opportunity seems so right for us as a family, and it's been great to watch the kids process the whole transition.

Flight has just been called (1015pm).  14hours to Dubai with 4 exhausted kids.  Hook in and hold on:)