Saturday, May 24, 2014

Musicals and talent shows

Jessie in a recent performance
Four children, four personalities and four different interests!  In our case it's a little more like two and two, where Jessie and Sam continue to love theatre and music, and Angus and Anna are into anything involving football or physical activity. Jessie and Sam go to a local stage school at different times each week, and have recently enjoyed being in a talent show and other performances.  Jessie in particular is really loving and thriving in it, and has developed some great friends through the stage school.

There was a talent show a few weeks back in the coastal city of Limassol.  Both Jessie and Sam performed well and enjoyed the chance to be on the stage (see clips below). Sam won his section, much to Jessie's chagrin, but they both did a great job and the standard in the older kids groups was very high. Ross was rushing to make it back from meetings in Vienna for the show, and arrived just in time from the airport to see both Jessie and Sam's performances (so the all important principle of justice and precise equity between children was maintained)!

Click here to watch Jessie's performance of 'Popular' from the musical Wicked at a recent show, or if not on a mobile device you should be able to see the clip embedded below:

Click here to see Sam's performance at a talent show in Limassol (apologies the video is sideways, but you get the general idea!):

And click here to see Jessie's performance from the talent show in Limassol. Note the ongoing inspiration from the musical Matilda in the family!

The winners in Sam's section in the talent show

And finally a recent picture of the kids with Menaka, celebrating her birthday.


  1. I would have given Jessie first place too! They are both brilliant and what gorgeous voices. I wish I had a fraction of their confidence. You must be very proud of all your gorgeous talented children who have just blossomed.

  2. Absolutely amazing performance! If I ever tried to do something like that I wouldn't be able to make any sound! Your performances were awesome to listen to, I wish I'd been there. You are so brave!
    Love you all!
