Saturday, July 2, 2011

Siesta the Summer away....

After three weeks of Meaden & Bob being here, we're back to being just us.  I wasn't expecting to feel very emotional, bidding my parents goodbye at the airport, but I was.  Something about a) not seeing them for at least a year and b) the fact that they were headed for Australia...a place I still call home.  A fairly obvious sign of homesickness I'd say but hearing all about the chilly winter that is upon Oz at present helps my condition ENORMOUSLY.  Anyone hoping to escape the cold couldn't do better than visit the Mediterranean mid-year.  This place really sizzles.  You only have to witness my dry peeling skin and cracked lips to be persuaded.

Speaking of sizzling, we're headed for the beach tomorrow morning early.  It's a slight adjustment having to drive almost an hour to reach the ocean however that's just a spoilt Northern Beaches girl talking.  It's gorgeous when we get there; umbrellas and deck chairs abound, looking out on clear blue waters, limestone caves and white sand.  We are usually the most covered up of anyone there with our rash shirts & hats.  It makes me realize how Sun Smart us Aussies are these days.  I just cringe when I see people baking like lobsters in the middle of the day.

A couple of highlights from Mum & Dad's visit was seeing Romeo & Juliet played out at the ancient Kourion theatre.  Sitting outside on a summer evening overlooking the sea in the distance was just grand.

The amphitheatre at the Ancient Kourion site...

...Re-constructed after it was destroyed by
earthquakes in the 3rd Century A.D.

A few nights later we visited Bellapais; a tiny village in the north tucked into the side of the mountain range overlooking the sea.  Aside from beautiful narrow cobbled streets and enticing restaurants with expanding views, the main attraction is the 12th century old monastery still in reasonable condition.  A friend of ours was playing in a music eistedford that evening so we were able to walk around the abbey at sunset and then witness some beautiful music in the old chappel.

Bellapais Abbey

Jessie's friend Julia on the left and her older
sister Jessica preparing to play her violin.

Jessie & Angus have now done one week of their five week Summer School program.  They're loving the opportunity to do heaps of different activities and make a few new friends.  Sam & Anna stay home with me in the mornings which is a nice time to take it slowly or see friends who also have little ones.  Monica is around from about 7am so I get a chance to do some exercize most mornings after dropping the older kids off.  I have really enjoyed this aspect of having extra help at massive logistics to get free time makes for a much happier Mummy.  Anna is totally comfortable with Monica and they have a great little friendship going (not least of which is Anna having Monica wrapped around her little finger).  It's something quite special to see somebody else love your children 'almost' as much as you do.  Sam calls Monica "Moneeka" and loves to play Magic Man with her. I think he holds a special place in her heart as Monica's own son back in Sri Lanka is almost the same age as Sam.  I find it so heartbreaking to think of her being away from her little boy in order to support her family.  And yet she is still so cheerful.  After Monica has had her day off on Sunday, we've all missed her smiling joyful presence, and are pleased to have her back (one day of washing & cleaning up is enough!).

Anna on constant repeat: "Monica.....Monica....Monica!"

In a few weeks time, we look forward to having 18yr old Charlotte stay with us for 3 days.  She was a big part of our lives back in Sydney, helping out with the kids after school & babysitting often.  I can't wait to hear of her overseas adventures and new life at university and, well, the kids can't wait to have her play and be a nice reminder of home.

Ross is off to Beirut for a few days this week.  I wonder what life would have been like living in Lebanon had we taken a possible job that arose around the same time?  No point in wondering 'what if', because Cyprus is where we are and it's a fantastic place to live in many respects.  Although missing friends and family heaps, I am certainly not unhappy here.  Some days I am not quite sure what I will do with my new found time here...but it would be good to come up with something before the new academic year starts in September.  Perhaps a course to stimulate my brain, or some part-time work to use my skills, maybe fire up a Resilience Doughnut craze, perhaps start learning a musical instrument, take a painting class or start drawing 'nudes' with charcoal....   Having 'choice' is quite a gift in this season of life and I am very thankful.  May the Lord guide me with vivid dreams in my siesta!

Taking a break from sight seeing
Anna and her shoe fettish...


  1. hi all, great hear about summer in cyprus. sounded like meaden and bob had a nice time.
    until next time take care and kind regards.

  2. i love anna and her shoe fettish. my she is growing up fast.

  3. They grow so fast...I see that with my Lena, she growing so you all... :)
