Friday, December 7, 2012

Winter comes

Angus channelling his inner karate kid
Winter has arrived in Cyprus these last few weeks, well a relatively mild version of European winter anyway.  We've enjoyed lighting the fire on several nights, and with more rain and the first signs of snow on the Troodos Mountains, everyone has been reaching for winter coats, gloves and hats.  Everyone except for Anna that is, who still would be quite happy to go to preschool in t-shirt and sandals if she was not forced to wear something warmer.  As our fourth child, Anna continues to both amuse and perplex.  Last week Sarah bought her a copy of the Mr Men book 'Little Miss Stubborn', which she has taken an immediate liking to.  Clearly some deep themes about surviving as a 4th child there....... may be a subject for the psychologist's couch in future years (with me as the patient of course!).

Speaking of psychology, Sarah is away again in London this weekend for the second part of the professional development course she is attending.  I think she is enjoying the opportunity to engage a different part of her brain, and also just some headspace away from the kids.  So with Sarah away, it's back to basics, with DVD's and pizza as the standard fare, a nice fire burning tonight and a measure of good Armenian cognac to finish the week.

A recent hike where we were joined by a few hundred goats
On Sunday we are running in a few events linked with the Nicosia Marathon.  I'm running the half marathon, and Jessie and Angus are involved in a 1km race as part of a school team.  The fact that the race is going ahead at all is positive for Nicosia, as last year's race was cancelled and the general economic situation in Cyprus has been very tough this year (think Greece, but with a much smaller economy).  Many shops are closing, along with public sector cuts and a bailout package that requires further austerity measures across the government sector.   It seems that people are pulling back to basic necessities.  A good friend of ours who is a mechanic said that business is very tough.  People have basically stopped servicing their cars, and choose to wait until cars actually break down before they will spend money on a mechanic.  The same applies across most service industries.  On a somewhat lighter note there was even talk in the press recently of Cyprus pulling out of the 2013 Eurovision song contest due to financial reasons.  Thankfully good sense(!) has prevailed and the country will be fielding an entry in Malmo next year.

Angus in his Arsenal kit
We are looking forward to a visit back to Australia in a few weeks time.  It feels like the last few years have passed quickly.  The kids have settled very well into life in Cyprus , but are all looking forward to reconnecting with a glimpse of 'home' and a summer Christmas.  Other events for us in the last few weeks:

- We enjoyed having a housewarming with around 100 people at our place.  At some points it was a bit like a scene out of Oliver Twist, with children in every room of the house crawling out from under beds and in cupboards etc.  Overall a fun night though, and it was nice to welcome people to our new place

- The kids are enjoying preparing for the end of year school concerts.  Sam is particularly excited for his contribution as part of the 'Kitty Katz Dance School' (complete with white dancing shoes.....seriously stylish)

- Angus is loving his football.  He currently goes to Arsenal football school a few nights each week, and also plays in a comp on Saturday mornings. I'm convinced this is linked somehow to his reluctance to get a haircut, as he may be aspiring to get a hairnet or hairband like some of the European top players. 

Here's a few other pics of life over the last month or so........

High stakes skipping in the front yard
Some Russian friends, Andrei, Katiya and Artur
Sarah at a recent murder mystery night.  Quite a fetching
outfit don't you think??
Zoe gets a long overdue wash a few weeks back
Some houswarming guests from Ross' work

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