Tuesday, December 2, 2014

The latest from Anna

Anna is five and a half years old, and as many of you know, the youngest of four.  I just wanted to take a moment today to capture her in all that she is 'right now'.  Sometimes, the youngest one misses out on the photos and documentation so this will hopefully balance things out a little. She's growing up so fast and by the time we get to Australia she'll be on her way to 6 and wearing a school uniform.  The dentist the other day said she'll be losing teeth soon!

The words I would use to describe Anna are bright, determined, sporty, helpful, eager to please, generally happy and when not happy; stubborn. She's a girl who wants to be recognised as a boy and refuses to wear anything that might be associated with female, including girls' swimmers. Last month she told us in all seriousness that she wanted to change her name to 'Dorian'!

Today she went to her swimming class and was delighted to move up a grade along with her best friend Aeantas.  When they were each asked to join the other group; the new teacher gave them each a big congratulatory hug and threw them in the water. 

What a funny pair they are: Anna and Aeantas.
Their latest trick is kissing games at school.
I think Dad's got something to say about that.
Anna and her swimming teacher Fani
Today she also bought home from pre-school her first 'reader'.  There's a magical moment I think for every parent when they discover that their child is actually reading the words and not just guessing or reciting. So I thought I'd take a picture of that special book she read to me when the penny seemed to drop.

The other day, Anna visited the dentist.  She was very proud to receive the same fluoride treatment that her siblings got and didn't seem to mind the discomfort.  A few weeks ago, I took her to Dr Emily for her school vaccination and, much to the Dr's astonishment, she hardly flinched. I'm beginning to thinks she's pretty tough.

And if all that wasn't exciting enough today; we are getting ready for our Christmas ski holiday and Anna was given a new ski jacket. She kept saying to me "Mum, this has been one of the best days!" 

A few more pics of Anna...

The homework project: make a banana smoothie
Mum's great photography...:)

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