Sunday, February 6, 2011

Long black boots and hard tiled floors.

The Greeks don't do things by halves when it comes to fashion.  I wonder if that started when they joined the European Union or whether it has always been like that.  Not sure what I did with my black leather jacket that I bought in Montenegro but I really need it now.  Luckily I have my black boots (which don't really cut it against the full leather black ones that go above the knee) however I really need to make more of an effort to always wear them out in public.  I got caught out today, dropping Angus at a birthday party, with my daggy red summer shoes over navy socks (bad look).  Found myself having a drink with a few of the parents with my handbag oh so discreetly over my feet.  Yes, I felt quite self-concious... My only excuse for such a fashion crime is that wearing my boots all day is so damn uncomfortable on all these hard tiled floors.

Speaking of hard tiled floors, 21mth old Anna should be wearing a helmet.  I can't even count the number of times she has slipped or stumbled on the tiles in the house.  Today was a cracker (literally) with a number of falls including a split to the head in which so much blood came out we debated taking her to a doctor for a stitch or two.  I really feel for Anna at present, the house is not so child friendly and she misses the familiarity of our Mona Vale home.  Combine that with a number of bruises and it's no wonder she's a bit grumpy.  Spare a thought for her parents also...!

1 comment:

  1. Ahh Sarah, you need your stylist! How about Moni and I fly over for some shopping therapy!
    Missing you guys but loving reading your blog. You are the second only ever blog that I have continued to read... so that is saying something about our friendship.
    Will keep you in my prayers, especially poor little Anna. Love Ness.
